Regulation 11 Rule 18: Reduction of Risk from Air Toxic Emissions at Existing Facilities - 2024 Amendments (Conceptual)

Learn about the Air District's development process for amendments to Regulation 11, Rule 18, which would update and improve the Rule 11-18 Facility Risk Reduction Program that reduces health risks from toxic emissions from existing local facilities.

Find out about the status and anticipated timeline of the rule development process. Information on hearings, workshops, and other events is provided below, along with supporting documents and materials.

The Air District is making updates and improvements to the Rule 11-18 Facility Risk Reduction Program. A public workshop was held virtually on February 15, 2024 to discuss and gather comments on multiple items. These include a draft updated Rule 11-18 Implementation Procedures (IP) document and a Rule 11-18 Concept Paper. The Concept Paper is an initial step in the process of developing amendments to Rule 11-18. In the paper, the Air District discusses potential changes to the rule that may help expedite the emissions inventory review (a crucial step in developing HRAs), HRA process, and risk reduction plan (RRP) approval steps, as well as other changes that may improve implementation of Rule 11-18.

Public comments were accepted on both the draft Implementation Procedures document and the Concept Paper through February 29, 2024.

The updated Final Implementation Procedures document is now available, along with a Response to Comments document for comments received on the draft Implementation Procedures and the rule amendments Concept Paper.

See the Facility Risk Reduction Program webpage for additional information, and see the Rule 11-18 Risk Reduction Facilities webpage for lists of facilities affected by the rule.

Further information on the development of amendments to Rule 11-18 will be provided on this page. Please sign up below to receive future updates on the amendment process for Rule 11-18.

Signup for Information about the Air District Facility Risk Reduction Program.

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Hearings, Workshops and Other Events

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Last Updated: 29/04/2024