Criteria Toxics Reporting

Learn about the California Air Resources Board's regulation for criteria pollutant and toxics emissions reporting.

The California Air Resources Board, or CARB, adopted a new regulation for criteria pollutant and toxics emissions reporting titled, “Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants (CTR)."

For more information, please visit CARB’s CTR web page.

The CTR Regulation aims to:

  • Require calendar year reporting of criteria and toxic pollutant emissions data from regulated air emissions sources; and
  • Establish consistent statewide annual emissions inventory data.

Compliance with CTR reporting will be implemented through:

  • The Data Update for the emissions inventory during the permit renewal process.
  • Other non-emissions inventory CTR data requirements may be requested during the Data Update or via a separate request.
  • Failure to provide required CTR information may be subject to enforcement action under the rule.

How is CTR reporting different from the Air District’s Data Update?

  • Reported data will represent the previous calendar year material usage/throughput, activity, and emissions. That means your reported data covers activity from January 1 to December 31.
  • Information for all permitted devices/sources with a Permit to Operate will be required.
    • The only exception would be any new device/source started up during the permit renewal process.
  • Additional CTR data requirements may be collected during the Data Update or via a separate request.

Who is subject to CTR reporting?

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*A Priority Score is an Air District calculated number based on the estimated air toxics emitted at a facility.

  • The Air District will manage the CTR applicability and reporting for your facility.
  • Currently, CTR reporting will be handled through the normal data update process.

What are the next steps for 2024?

  • The Air District transitioned data systems in October 2023, meaning the previous “pilot” process has been discontinued.
    • We will use that experience to build the functionality in the new system.
    • Until the new CTR functionality is released, reporting will be handled through the normal data update process.
  • Please report your data requested during the permit renewal process described on the Renew A Permit webpage .
    • If you previously reported during the pilot, please try to report calendar year or close to a calendar year period when providing your information before the due date.

What happens if I do not return the Data Update forms on time or if my forms are incomplete?

  • The owner or operator may be subject to a violation.
  • Late reporting and follow up to provide a complete submittal may delay your permit renewal invoice from being issued.

Are there any other best practices I should follow?

  • Keep your facility permit in good standing.
  • Keep your facility contacts up to date.
    • Fill out and submit a Facility Contacts form as needed.
  • Notify us of any change in ownership by filling out and returning a Transfer of Ownership form.
  • If you receive Data Update forms, complete and submit them by the due date to avoid delays in the permit renewal process.

Does the Air District have plans to improve CTR reporting?

  • The Air District is designing a system to fully implement CTR requirements.
  • This webpage will be updated periodically to provide up-to-date status of this program.


415 749-4762



Underground Tanks

415 749.4999


Last Updated: 2020/10/30