Regulation 13 Rule 2: Organic Material Handling Operations

Learn about the Air District's development process for Regulation 13, Rule 2, which would reduce emissions of methane and volatile organic compounds from organic material handling in the Bay Area.

Find out about the status and anticipated timeline of the rule development process. Information on hearings, workshops, and other events is provided below, along with supporting documents and materials.

The Air District is suspending the formal rule development process for Rule 13-2: Organic Material Handling Operations. The Air District will continue to collaborate with stakeholders to address these emissions through the development and evaluation of best management practices, monitoring methods, and potential emissions controls.

The Air District is suspending the formal rule development process for two rules targeting organic recovery operations: Draft Rule 13-2: Organic Material Handling Operations; and Draft Rule 13-3: Composting OperationsThe aim of development of these rules is to minimize emissions of methane and volatile organic compounds from facilities processing organic materials and is part of the Air District's Basin-Wide Methane Strategy (as outlined in the 2017 Clean Air Plan).

Prior to suspension of formal rule development on these rules, the Air District presented regulatory concepts in late 2018, followed by drafts of regulatory language in June 2019 and January 2020. Air District staff accepted public comments on these materials and held a series of stakeholder engagement meetings with Industry representatives across the spectrum of the Organic Recovery Sector. Throughout this process, the Air District received extensive comment from the affected industry, organic recovery advocacy groups, and municipal partners requesting further engagement to improve the draft rules.

While the formal rule development process is on hold, the Air District will continue stakeholder engagement to the extent feasible through the formation of an Organic Recovery Technical Working Group composed of Air District staff members, representatives from this industrial sector, industry associations, technical experts, non-governmental organizations, other governmental agencies, and community representatives and advocates. The purpose of the Technical Working Group is to establish a forum for collaboration with stakeholders on technical issues, such as best management practices, data gathering and monitoring methods, and potential emissions controls. Stakeholder input and feedback gathered from these discussions will be invaluable to the Air District as we move forward in our efforts to ensure emissions from these sectors are well understood and methods for emission reductions are fully evaluated.

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Hearings, Workshops and Other Events

Throughout the rule development process, we provide information on upcoming and past workshops, hearings, and other events.

A series of workshops was held in late 2018 to cover the development of Rule 13-2 and other rule development activity for climate pollutants, odors, VOCs, and toxics. In June 2019, the Air District hosted another series of workshops on the development of Rule 13-2 and other rule development activity for climate pollutants.

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Supporting materials, such as staff reports, regulatory language, and other technical documents related to rule development, are posted throughout the development process.

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The Air District provides opportunities for the public to submit input throughout the development process, and posts comments received during the open public comment periods.

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Last Updated: 08/06/2020