Xem văn bản hoàn chỉnh về điều lệ và quy định của Địa Hạt Không Khí.
The Current Rules table lists all Air District regulations and rules. Each row in the table provides information about a specific regulation or rule.
When the page loads, all rows are expanded by default. The expanded view shows additional information about that rule or regulation, including a description and a link to the document with the official rule language.
When the row is expanded, click the minus sign (-) to collapse the regulation or rule details.
View of second row after expanding. Click minus sign (-) to collapse.
Click the plus sign (+) to expand the row and reveal the regulation details.
First row expanded by default. Click plus sign (+) to expand collapsed rows.
By default, regulations and rules are listed in numerical order. The table can be reverse sorted by clicking the toggle in the Rule # column header. The table can also be sorted by clicking on the Rule Name, or the Adopted or Amended date columns.
Click the column heading to sort by that column.
Adjusting the sort will turn the column yellow to indicate which column the sort order is applied to.
Highlighting indicates manually sorted column.
You can also search for regulations or rules by using the filters at the top of the table. The filters include:
Use search to filter results.
The Search & Filters area can be expanded or collapsed by using the toggle at the top.
Search box collapsed.
Get instructions on using the Current Rules table.
Gregory Nudd
Quản Lý Viên Chương Trình Phẩm Chất Không Khí
415.749.4786 gnudd@baaqmd.gov
Victor Douglas
Chuyên Viên Chính Về Phẩm Chất Không Khí
415.749.4752 vdouglas@baaqmd.gov
Last Updated: 20/02/2025