Learn about the Bay Area Air District Advisory Council's conference on mitigating the effects of particulate matter pollution.
Increasing evidence shows health impacts from fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, can occur well below the current national ambient air quality standards. As impacts in our communities increase with our changing climate, it is important that we reassess the health effects of PM2.5.
In fall 2019, the Air District's Advisory Council began convening a symposium series on PM2.5 to facilitate a discussion among nationally recognized scientists, stakeholders, and the Air District to identify the most effective measures to further protect public health. The symposia shine a spotlight on this public health challenge.
While the Advisory Council and the Air District had envisioned a four-part symposia series, due to the global pandemic and in the interest of public health, in 2020 the Air District's Advisory Council continued to meet via webcast.
In May, the Advisory Council received presentations from community groups on the local environmental and health impacts of fine particulate matter and potential strategies to reduce PM2.5 in the future. In July, the Advisory Council received presentations from industry representatives.
In October, November and December the Advisory Council will deliberate on key findings and PM2.5 reduction strategies. More information on each of these meetings is provided below and on the Advisory Council Agendas and Reports page.
The Air District convened a symposium, at the request of its Advisory Council, to obtain input from leading experts on the best available science concerning impacts of particulate matter. The first symposium took place on October 28, 2019 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, California.
Topics included:At the December 9, 2019 meeting of the Advisory Council, Council members reviewed the October PM Symposium, received updates on Air District particulate matter work and reviewed the symposium summary report.
At the May 12, 2020 meeting of the Advisory Council, Council members received presentations from community groups on the local environmental and health impacts of fine particulate matter, and a presentation from the Air District on potential policy strategies to reducing particulate matter moving forward.
At the July 31, 2020 meeting of the Advisory Council, Council members received presentations from industry representatives for consideration, and a presentation from the Air District on particulate matter modeling-based assessments and next steps.
Beginning at the July 31, 2020 Advisory Council meeting and continuing through the October 9, 2020, November 9, 2020 and December 3, 2020 meetings, the Advisory Council deliberated and discussed the draft report. The Advisory Council approved the Particulate Matter Reduction Strategy Report and reviewed the presentation to the Board of Directors at the end of the December 3, 2020 meeting.
On December 16, 2020, at a joint meeting of the Advisory Council and Air District Board of Directors, the Advisory Council submitted and presented the Particulate Matter Reduction Strategy Report to the Board of Directors. Following the presentation, the Board of Directors and Advisory Council engaged in an extended discussion on the current state of PM science, the Advisory Council's findings, recommendations and the report.
From the events table below, interested individuals can view the webcast or listen to audio of the meeting. In addition, the meeting agenda, minutes and presentations to the Advisory Council will be made available.