Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco社區減排計劃

了解空氣局依據第617號議會法案 (AB 617),為改善Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco社區的空氣品質而採取的措施。  

Community Emissions Reduction Plan Steering Committee - Now accepting applications for 2023-24

If you live, work, or volunteer in BVHP/Southeast San Francisco (including Visitacion Valley, Portola neighborhoods close to San Bruno Ave./Bayshore Blvd., Little Hollywood, Candlestick Point, Silver Terrace, Hunters Point Hill, Bayview, India Basin Area, Cesar Chavez/Evans/Bayshore industrial and commercial areas, South Potrero Hill/Annex Area, Butcher Town), and would like to help improve your community’s air and quality of life, you may be eligible to join the Community Steering Committee for Assembly Bill 617 implementation efforts for this upcoming year and beyond.

Becoming a Community Steering Committee member will require orientation, participation, and attendance at a regular monthly Steering Committee meeting and potentially a monthly sub-committee meeting. Community Steering Committee members will receive stipends for participating for one to two years in the project.

We aim to make these meetings as inclusive of the community as possible. Cantonese, Spanish, and other applicable language interpretation will be available for any participant or member upon request.

如何申請Bayview Hunters Point / Southeast San Francisco社區指導委員會


您還可以透過發送電子郵件至所示地址與Daniel Madrigal聯絡,尋求翻譯申請表的幫助或獲取申請表的紙質副本。然後,您可以完整填寫此申請表,並在掃描後透過電子郵件傳送,或直接郵寄至所示地址,蓋戳的截止日期為2023年4月28日。

Daniel Madrigal
收件人:Daniel Madrigal
375 Beale Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94105



2023年2月,加州空氣資源委員會 (California Air Resources Board) 投票支持空氣局與Bayview Hunters Point社區倡導者組織 (Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates) Marie Harrison社區基金會 (Marie Harrison Community Foundation) 合作開展社區減排計劃 (Community Emissions Reduction Plan),這將成為改善Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco空氣品質的藍圖。為了進一步指導和製定減少空氣污染計劃與戰略,空氣局和社區共同領導合作夥伴 Bayview Hunters Point社區倡導者組織和Marie Harrison社區基金會,將審查所有申請並從中篩選,以組建一個具有代表性的社區指導委員會。

為何是Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco? 

Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco由於長期存在的空氣品質、環境正義投訴和健康不平等問題,而從優先級最高的社區之中獲選為灣區的重點行動對象。多年來,空氣局與Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco的許多組織合作,以培養社區能力、加強對當地空氣污染和環境正義問題的理解,以及建立跨部門合作夥伴關係,進而改善環境健康和當地空氣品質。在空氣局的支持下,Marie Harrison社區基金會和Bayview Hunters Point社區倡導者組織這兩個社區共同領導合作夥伴,正在攜手管理這項AB 617社區減排計劃。

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Daniel Madrigal
Senior Staff Specialist, Community Engagement and Policy


Community Health Protection Program



Last Updated: 2023/6/14